Pinterest InternI spent the majority of my time with marketing & it was great. I was named the Pinterest Intern where I posted pictures with a caption for both the Camp Lucy and Whim Hospitality account. It may seem like an easy job but I had developed a lot of patience & creativity to do this for multiple hours in a row. I was responsible for retrieving photos & uploading them to a theme specific Pinterest board. I had to put myself in the consumers' shoes to pick out pictures I thought would steer consumers into Whim & Camp Lucy's direction. Being organized & detail oriented was essential. Below are my two favorite photographs I pinned onto a Camp Lucy board!
Other DutiesBesides pinning pins on Pinterest I helped the Marketing department stay organized and up to date on many spreadsheets that include photos, blogs for social media, pictures for social media, & organizing the company's photo library. I set aside these three icons because it was essential for me to know the ins & outs of these applications, Google was essential in finding blog posts pertaining to certain dates and content, dropbox was a way for photographers to share photos with us and knowing how to share, download, edit, & format on here was a large part of my job. I used Microsoft Excel almost everyday, editing, updating, organizing, & presenting information.